Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Beach partayy

Posted: July 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well, we just broke all the rules at our little beach house today. First we skateboarder with our dog at the tennis court when there was a sighn prohibiting both actions. Having a dog there and skate boarding. Than we went swimming in the pool after dusk and we ate all the left overs from the 4th of July party. We rode home with most of the chips and all of the brownies. Than we danced to some ragae and annoyed the elderly neighbords. I love vacations!

summer break 2011

Posted: June 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

WOOHOO! Summer break a time that every teen should be reveling in… but if your anything like me (and i hope you are) than you hate summer and never know quite what to do with my self… so what do you like to do? Ideas? WELL IM GONN GO WRITE A BOOK REVIEW SEEEE YOU L8TR!!!!!!!!!!



Well, I got my rats… I have to admit that I was a little unprepared. Any who did u know that Rebecca black got two death threats if she did not take the music video “Friday” off of YouTube. One was to her management firm and the other to her production company. Just because it makes you reaaaaalllyyy want to kill yourself DOES NOT MEAN that you can kill an innocent 14 year old girl.

panther geckos are out but i’m still on the prowl for a good pet. i decided to try a rat and sure enough i foung a gret cage at a thrift store for five bucks. The parents are still thinking it over but im almost positive that i will be able to get them. I’ve been working really hard on the cage and planing to add a platform for them to scuttle around on. one will be named Pettigrew and the other one is still up for debate… what do you guys think? suggestions???????????

I went to a book sighning for the book “need” by Carrie jones. She told the small group of admirers that when she was in school they had a book contest. At the end of each month the students turned in a book and the students voted on the best book and so did the teachers. Carrie never got the teachers pick but she did get the student pick. Why? Because she figured out what the kids liked to read about! So she wrote a story about a girl who is trying to stop an intergalactic war while falling hopelessly in love… With a dog named Abba. I think that I’m going to write a story like this… But not the exact same of course! I’m a lot of things but I’m not a ‘copy cat’. What do the few people who read my blog like to read? Do you prefer a more mellow biography because trust me Im self absorbed enough to write a fantastic biography! Or an action story maybe horror? You tell me I would honestly like to know because as an aspiring writer I love new and fresh ideas to put in my noggin. At only thirteen I’ve got it down. I’m going to be a nurse and a writer… If I don’t get a scholarship to juliard of course!


Posted: April 13, 2011 in Uncategorized
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When some body asks me If there is life on other planets I always say “yes”. Why? Because just think the universe is endless! There could be a whole other solar system so far away that we could never reach it. And people always think that the aliens have to have the cool technology but what if we are the ones that, compared to them, have amazing technology. I rout that we ever will be able to contact another species but I do believe that there are extra terrestrials some where at the ends of the endless universe waiting for us to come up with the technology to find them

under pressure

Posted: April 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well this week is test week. Its the tests that determine weather or not I get into a good high school. I do great in all the other subjects accept math. I need 80 percent and last year i got, get this, 79.3 percent. It would be modest to say that I was disappointed but being the secretive and unrevealing person I am I covered up my shame and disappointment with humor. this year I WILL get that stupid 80 percent!!!! if its the last thing i do. I dont think that im going to get my lizard any time soon. I’m looking at all the options but mom did have a point i should be taking the dogs on a walk every day but hey, a lizard? hell yeah.


Posted: April 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

I kinda want a panther gecko but mom said no… Figures. But being the stubborn and determined person I am I wrote a six paragraph essay about how to take care of the animal, how much it costs, and why I should get one. It convinced her!! But then her alterior motive came into play… Guilt. “maybe instead of getting a new pet you should focus on the ones you already have” my two dogs. I like dogs and all but everybody has a dog! What I really want is to get attention. My parents never were married so I’ve spent my entire life jumping back and forth between houses. My dads to my moms my dads to my moms my whole life! It’s not as easy as it sounds. I don’t love going to my dads because of Carrie… Step mother. She never really has gotten used to it and neither have I. She never makes me feel welcome. But any way off topic. I constantly seek attention partially because I’m self absorbed and quiet but also because I don’t get a lot of the stuff… Attention I mean. My mom doesn’t set up many boundaries and my dad sets up too many. There isn’t any balance. I have a little half brother and a little half sister both are very attention consuming… “buy them more treats and train them more. Take them on more walks” And then my mom of course changes the subject by saying that she thinks that she wants another kid.
Some times I wonder if she even sees my struggling attempts to grab attention. And when I do get even a scrap of attention I gobble it up but try to make it last forever… Like a dog.


Posted: April 10, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hey it’s sage


Posted: April 10, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hi world! We is now blogging, freaking you all out, and blogging until our fingers BLEED!!!!